While many of us do not know what that is or what that means, Jay is passionate about his gear and being the “Sound Engineer” that he is, it is no wonder his sound is so clear. Here we want to break it down in a way that a novice can understand.
Here is the gear that Jay’s Jams uses and why we feel it’s important.
His amplifier section consists of:
• Crest
• Crown
• Behringer
• Cerwin Vega

Jay uses the following signal processors to fine tune the sound:
• dbx
• Behringer
When speaking about the JBL line, Jay remarks, “You have to lean on the amps a little harder, but JBL is known for their clarity”. Jay once again eluded to the phrase “headroom” and then “you can always turn it down”.
When powered speakers came up in the discussion Jay simply laughed and cited inexperience as to why anyone would buy a powered speaker.

As a backup, Jay uses an ADJ VMS4.1 and why is this important? Jay eludes to not many DJ’s even use a board with a built-in sound card, and almost zero carry a backup. “If you do this long enough, you understand that anything can break.” Jay says, “It amazes me that people consider themselves a DJ and they use the headphone out of their laptop. Maybe they run that into an analog mixer and then that signal is sent to their powered speakers. When I see this, and I do see this a lot, I know that I am dealing with someone with little no experience as it pertains to sound. Your ears are in for a long night”.
Jay has both and uses both. With his vast experience he realizes that each have their strengths and their weaknesses.
Depending upon the event, the style of music to be played, one of these professional programs will be used.

Jay’s Jams has you covered.